Front cover image for The necessary nature of future firms : attributes of survivors in a changing world

The necessary nature of future firms : attributes of survivors in a changing world

Firms - like all living systems - must be congruent with aligned with, compatible with their environments, or they will not survive. This text looks at ways in which future firms will need to co-operate with their environments
eBook, English, ©2004
Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA, ©2004
1 online resource (xvii, 307 pages) : illustrations
9781452263083, 9780761930365, 9781452229799, 9781322416557, 1452263086, 0761930361, 1452229791, 1322416559
Print version
Dangerous deficiencies
What is happening?
What is not?
The role of top management
About this book
The future environments of business organizations
Scientific knowledge and improved technology
Scientific knowledge
Improved technologies
Mental blocks to imagining a different world on the same planet
Interim summary and transition
The complexity of future environments
Environmental variety
Environmental density and interdependence
Interim summary and transition
Environmental dynamism and competitiveness
Velocity, turbulence, and instability
Environmental competitiveness
Summary and transition
Sensing and interpreting the environment
Facit AB
Importance of environmental sensing and interpretation
Consequences and importance of interpretation
Environmental sensing in future firms
Intelligence gathering
Intelligence gathering as a staff function? as an outsourced function?
Intelligence gathering as specialized accountability
Intelligence gathering as eclectic responsibility
Supporting sensors
Probing the environment
Sensing early responses to the firm's actions and products
Top managers as environmental sensors
Interim summary and transition
Interpreting what is sensed
Declines in quality and timeliness of organizational interpretations
Enhancing interpretation in future firms
Faulty interpretations
Summary and transition
Organizational decision making
Decisions and decision making resource in future firms
Increasing environmental dynamism and its consequences
Increasing environmental complexity and its consequences
Increasing competitiveness and its consequences
Decision maker capabilities: past, present, future
Interim summary and transition
Decision making practices in future firms
Ensuring scope
Ensuring speed
Effects of forthcoming information technologies on decision speed and scope
IT investments focused on analysis
IT investments focused on communication
Interim summary and transition
Tempting practices
Intuitive decision making
Satisficing and analogizing
Firms' responses to personal propensities to use short-cut methods
Summary and transition
Knowledge acquisition: organizational learning
Learning, knowledge, and innovation
Organizational learning: a practice whose time has come
Learning from experience
Highly effective learning experiences: designed experiments
Highly effective learning experiences: natural experiments
Highly effective learning experiences: learning from action probes and operations
Highly effective learning experiences: learning by observing samples of one or fewer
Learning from others-vicarious learning
Absorptive capacity
Importing knowledge in the form of expertise
Enhancing organizational learning by enhancing individual learning
Introducing learning practices
Summary and transition
Leveraging learning through knowledge management
The four repositories of organizational knowledge
The need to manage knowledge
Direct, informal knowledge sharing
An example of how motivation can negatively affect direct, informal knowledge sharing
Organizational culture: an achievable solution to the problem of motivation?
Structural approaches for facilitating direct, informal knowledge sharing
Interim summary and transition
Knowledge management systems
Motivational issues in knowledge management systems
Managing motivation in knowledge management systems
Situational influences favoring the use of extrinsic motivators
Long-lived traditions and cultures
Increased use of teams, and of ince