| John James MacLaren - 1892 - 628 páginas
...more parts of a set are negoK negoaa- tiated to different holders in due course, the holder ted to whose title first accrues is, as between such holders,...of a person who in due course accepts or pays the part first presented to him. Imp. Act, s. 71 (8). See Perreira v. Jopp, 10 B. & C. 450 n. (1798); Lang... | |
 | Great Britain - 1892 - 94 páginas
...subsequent to him is liable on the part he has himself indorsed as if the said parts were separate bills. Where two or more parts of a set are negotiated to...between such holders deemed the true owner of the Kill ; but nothing in this sub-section shall affect the rights of a person who in due course accepts... | |
 | Melville Madison Bigelow - 1893 - 360 páginas
...to him is liable on the part he has himself indorsed as if the said parts were separate bills. (3) Where two or more parts of a set are negotiated to...of a person who in due course accepts or pays the part first presented to him. (4) The acceptance may be written on any part, and it must be written... | |
 | Barbados - 1893 - 462 páginas
...to him is liable on the part be has himself indorsed as if the said, parts were separate bills. (3.) Where two or more parts of a set are negotiated to...the true owner of- the bill ; but nothing in this sub seotioa shall affect the rights of a person who in due course accepts or pays the part fivst presented... | |
 | Sir Mackenzie Dalzell Edwin Stewart Chalmers - 1896 - 530 páginas
...be given up, there being no presumption that the missing parts have been improperly dealt with.3 (3) Where two or more parts of a set are negotiated to...of a person who in due course accepts or pays the part first presented to him. Is the true owner entitled to get the remaining parts from the person... | |
 | Iowa. General Assembly. House of Representatives - 1897 - 1162 páginas
...and containing a reference to the other parts, the whole of the parts constitute one bill. Sec. 186. Where two or more parts of a set are negotiated to...whose title first accrues is as between such holders the true owner of the bill. But nothing in this section affects the rights of a person who in due course... | |
 | New York (State) - 1897 - 996 páginas
...the parts constitute one bill. § 311. Rights of holders where different parts are negotiated. — Where two or more parts of a set are negotiated to...whose title first accrues is as between such holders the true owner of the bill. But nothing in this section affects the rights of a person who in due course... | |
 | Florida - 1897 - 426 páginas
...and containing a reference to the other parts, the whole of the parts constitute one bill. SEC. 179. Where two or more parts of a set are negotiated to...whose title first accrues is as between such holders the true owner of the bill. But nothing in this section affects the rights of a person who in due course... | |
 | Gold Coast, Sir William Brandford Griffith - 1898 - 716 páginas
...subsequent to him is liable on the part he has himself indorsed as if the parts were separate bills. (3) Where two or more parts of a set are negotiated to...of a person who in due course accepts or pays the part first presented to him. (4) The acceptance may be written on any part, and it must be written... | |
 | Massachusetts - 1898 - 48 páginas
...holders the rcc™estitsthfierst true owner of the bill. But nothing in this section affects true owner. the rights of a. person who in due course accepts or pays the part first presented to him. Liabiiityof SECTION i8o. Where the holder of a set indorses two or more... | |
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