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" ... and assist vessels in distress, and to deviate for the purpose of saving life or property. "
Trade Promotion Series-No.62 The Irish Free State.An Economic Survey - Página 70
por Hugh D. Butler,trade Commissioner,U.S.Department of Commerce - 1928
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Ocean Shipping: Elements of Practical Steamship Operation

Robert Edwards Annin - 1920 - 462 páginas call at any port or ports, in any order, to sail with or without pilots, to tow or be towed, to assist vessels in distress, and to deviate for the purpose of saving life or property. Also to call at any port or ports for fuel or supplies if necessary. This is one of the tested clauses...
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Certepartier og konnossementer: haandbog

Johannes Jantzen, Nordisk skibsrederforening - 1920 - 424 páginas
...Shipowner's responsibility to cease on delivery from the ship's tackle. </. The ship to be at liberty to call at any ports in any order, to sail without pilots, and to tow and assist vessels in distress, and to deviate for the purpose of saving life or property....
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Ocean Steamship Traffic Management

Grover Gerhardt Huebner - 1920 - 306 páginas
...Stevedores employed In loading or discharging the Cargo. The Steamer baa liberty to call at any porU in any order, to sail without Pilots, to tow and assist vessels hi distress, and to deviate for the purpose of saving life or property, and to hunker. It la also mutually...
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Swedish Forests, Lumber Industry, and Lumber Export Trade

United States. Department of Commerce, Axel Hansteen Oxholm - 1921 - 354 páginas
...clause — No. 8 — in the undermentioned charter party, or otherwise, to sail without pilots, and to tow and assist vessels in distress, and to deviate for the purpose of saving life or property). 26>339 Pieces 3X9, 4J; 1JX5; 1X5, 4^X4 inches deals, battens and boards. of which — pieces on deck...
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Zimmermann on Ocean Shipping

Erich Walter Zimmermann - 1921 - 724 páginas the management or navigation of the Steamer. The Steamer has liberty to tow or to be towed and to assist vessels in distress, and to deviate for the purpose of saving life or property. Advances 15. That should the Captain require funds for ordinary disbursements for Steamer's account...
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Handbok i skogsteknologi

1922 - 976 páginas the Owner of the Ship, or by the Ship's Husband or Manager. The Steamer has liberty to call ät any ports in any order, to sail without Pilots, to...distress, and to deviate for the purpose of saving life or properly, and has liberty to coal ät any port or ports, without prejudice to this Charter. 8. —...
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Counter-case of the United States of America: May 22, 1922

Norway - 1922 - 584 páginas
...Owners. The Steamer has the liberty to call at any ports in any order,1 to sail without pilots, and to tow and assist vessels in distress, and to deviate for the purpose of saving life or property. 17. Should any dispute arise between the Owners and the Charterers, the matter in dispute shall be...
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British Merchant Shipping

Clement Jones - 1922 - 302 páginas
...XIV, p. 249. • Chapter VI, "Officers," page 106. 1 Charter-Parties and Bills o/ Lading. M liberty to call at any ports, in any order, to sail without Pilots, and to tow and assist Vessels in distress, and to deviate for the purpose of saving life and property."...
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American Maritime Cases, Volumen1

1924 - 960 páginas
...goods were carried under a hill of lading which specifically gave authority to the carrying vessel to assist vessels in distress and to deviate for the purpose of saving life or property: and contained the further proviso that the carrier Should not be liable for "any loss or damage caused...
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Judgments Delivered by Lord Chancellor Birkenhead, 1919-1922

Frederick Edwin Smith Earl of Birkenhead, Great Britain. Parliament. House of Lords - 1923 - 588 páginas
...Charter-Party should be specifically referred to, clause 29, which is as follows: " The steamer has liberty to assist vessels in distress, and to deviate for the purpose of saving life. All salvage to be for owners' benefit, but ship to be deemed off pay during the time occupied in salvage...
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