the distribution of remedies, objects, instruments, or articles of any sort designed for committing the crime of abortion are punished in the same way. The penalty is imprisonment from six months to three years and a fine of from 100 francs to 3,000 francs. 3. HOLLAND. [Contributed by DR. C. TORLEY DUWEL.] Education.-Act of March 1, 1920, for modification and amplification of the University Education Act (Gazette, No. 105) contains an important modification in the organization of gymnasial and university education and of the examinations connected therewith. Act of March 1, 1920, for modification and amplification of the Act for settling Secondary Instruction (Gazette, No. 106), contains a similar modification with regard to secondary instruction. Act of October 9, 1920, for settling general educational Primary Instruction (Gazette, No. 778). New settlement of organization, etc., of Primary Instruction. Dutch Nationality.-Act of December 31, 1920, for further modification of the Act of December 12, 1892 (Gazette, No. 268), on Dutch Nationality and Citizenship, lastly modified by the Act of July 15, 1910 (Gazette, No. 216, Gazette, No. 955), brings alteration in the naturalization dues. Diplomatic Service. Decree of October 23, 1920, providing for: (a) Repeal of the Diplomatic Rules, 1912 (Gazette, No. 289), as well as of the Royal Decrees of April 25, 1918 (Gazette, No. 266), and of January 27, 1920 (Gazette, No. 41). (b) Laying down new rules for Diplomatic Service (Gazette, No. 796), settles ranks, stipends, diplomatic service, and leave. Civil and Commercial Law.-Act of March 26, 1920, for modification of the terms meant in Articles 523, 526, and 549 of the Civil Code and abolition of the Act of July 9, 1855 (Gazette, No. 67, Gazette, No. 148), shortens the terms required for the statement of presumable death in case of shipping disasters (and the like). Act of March 26, 1920, for modification of the Commercial-Register Act, 1918 (Gazette, No. 151), modifies the tariffs of what is due on registry. Act of March 26, 1920, settling the formation, organization, and competence of the Chambers of Commerce and Manufactories (Gazette, No. 151), settles the formation, etc., of the Chambers in question. Decree of August 17, 1920, providing for settlement of the number, the jurisdiction, and the seats of the Chambers of Commerce and Manufactories. Act of October 9, 1920, providing for organization of the Government Insurance Bank (Gazette, No. 780) settles organization and investment of the capital. Revolutionary Turbulences.-Act of July 28, 1920, providing for further provisions for fighting revolutionary turbulences (Gazette, No. 619). Criminal provisions against revolutionary turbulences. Navigation.-Act of March 26, 1920, for settling the Masters' Act (Gazette, No. 154), prescribes the qualifications for masters on seagoing ships; also for mates and engineers. League of Nations.-Act of March 6, 1920 (Gazette, No. 108), authorizes the Dutch Government to join the League of Nations and to be party to the provisions of Article 13, paragraphs 1 and 2 of the League of Nations Treaty. Veterinary Act.-Act of March 26, 1920, providing for Government Veterinary Inspection (Gazette, No. 153), contains measures for promoting the health of the live stock of cattle and for inspection of cattle and meat destined for export. INDEX TO REVIEW OF LEGISLATION. Animals-continued dogs (Cyprus), 176 (Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colo- diseases of (India), 124 (Federated Malay States), 145 prevention of cruelty (Bengal), 136 Antiquities (Palestine), 180 Apprentices, farm (New Zealand), 102 Education-continued (Jersey), 18 (Madras), 133 (Prince Edward Island), 38 scholarships (Bermuda), 49 (United Kingdom), 10 University (Burma), 139 (United Provinces), 137 Elections (British Columbia), 26 (Isle of Man), 16 legislative council (New Zealand), |