| Edward Hatton - 1719 - 328 páginas
...with Primage and Average accuftomed. la witnefs whereof the Mafter or Purfer of; the faid Ship hatb affirmed to [Three} Bills of Lading all of this Tenor and Date, one of which [Three] Bills being accompliihed the other CTwoJto ftand void-. And fo God fend the good... | |
 | James Scruton - 1777 - 540 páginas
...with pririiage and average ace u domed, in witne/r •whereof, the mafter, or purfer, of the faid ihip hath affirmed to three bills of lading, all of this tenor and date; one of which bills, being accomplifhed, the other two to #and void. And fo God fend the good ihip to... | |
 | 1808 - 252 páginas
...Primage and Average, as is accufbmed.' In Witnefs whereof, the Mailer and Purfer of the said Ship has affirmed to three Bills of Lading, all of this Tenor and Date ; the one of which three Bijls beiiig accompliihed; the otker two to prîdo os outros nao valham ;... | |
 | John Emmanuel Mordente - 1810 - 398 páginas
...prinwge and average accustomed. In witness whereof, I the said master (or purser) of the said ship have affirmed to three bills of lading, all of this tenor and date j the one of which three bills being accomplished, the other two to stand void. , And so God send the... | |
 | 1811 - 236 páginas
...pound« British sterling per ton, with five per cent, prieâge. In witness whereof, the master or purser of the said ship hath affirmed to three bills of lading all of this tenor and date, the one of which being accomplished, the other two to stand void. Dated at Newport, July /th, 1810.... | |
 | George Fisher (accountant.) - 1811 - 302 páginas
...pieces of Eight per Cwt.) with Primage and Average accustomed. In Witness whereof the Master or Purser of the said Ship hath affirmed to (three) Bills of Lading, all of this tenor and date, one of which (three) Bills being accomplished, the other (two) to stand void. And so God send the good... | |
 | Michael Walsh - 1816 - 288 páginas
...pound« British sterling per ton, with five per cent, primage. In witness whereof, the master or purser of the said ship hath affirmed to three bills of lading all of this tenor and date, the one of which being accomplished, the other two to stand void. Dated i» Newport, July 7th, 1804.... | |
 | Great Britain. Court of Common Pleas, William John Broderip, Peregrine Bingham - 1821 - 812 páginas
...paid in London, with primage and average accustomed. In witness whereof, the said master or purser of the said ship hath affirmed to three bills of lading, all of this tenor and date, the one of which three bills being accomplished, the other two to stand void. And so, &c. Dated in... | |
 | Great Britain. Court of Common Pleas, John Bayly Moore - 1823 - 726 páginas
...paid in London, with primage and average accustomed. In witness whereof, the said master or purser of the said ship, hath affirmed to three bills of lading, all of this tenor and date, the one of which three bills being accomplished, the other two to stand void. Dated in London, 7th... | |
 | Michael Walsh - 1828 - 318 páginas
...per ton, with five per cent. primage. In witness whereof, ibe master or purser of the said ship bath affirmed to three bills of lading, all of this tenor and date, tlie one of which being accomplished, the other two to stand void. Daied at Newport, July 7th, 1827.... | |
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