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" Where any damage or loss is caused to any goods, merchandise, or other things whatsoever on board the ship; (c) Where any loss of life or personal injury is caused to any person carried in any other vessel... "
The Contract of Affreightment as Expressed in Charterparties and Bills of Lading - Página 286
por Thomas Edward Scrutton - 1886 - 325 páginas
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Hertslet's Commercial Treaties: A Collection of Treaties and ..., Volumen11

1900 - 1294 páginas
...where all or any of the following events occur without their actual fault or privity, that is to say, 1 . Where any loss of life or personal injury is caused...2. Where any damage or loss is caused to any goods, merchandize, or other things whatsoever on board any such ship ; 3. Where any loss of life or personal...
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The Law Journal for the Year 1832-1949: Comprising Reports of Cases in the ...

1854 - 628 páginas
...where all or any of the following event* occur without hi actual fault or privity, (that is to say,) (1.) Where any loss of life or personal injury is...or other things whatsoever on board any such ship: (8.) Where any loss of life or personal injury is by reason of the improper navigation of such sea-going...
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The Nautical Magazine: A Journal of Papers on Subjects Connected ..., Volumen44

1875 - 1132 páginas
...e. 110, s. 11. — Where, by reason of a ship having been sent to sea in an unseaworthy condition, any loss of life or personal injury is caused to any person being carried in the ship, or any damage or loss is caused to any goods, merchandise, or other things whatsoever on...
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Statutes of the Province of Canada, Parte1

Canada - 1854 - 556 páginas
...all or any of the following Events ' y ' occur without his actual Fault or Privity, (that is to say,) (1.) Where any Loss of Life or personal Injury is...or other Things whatsoever on board any such Ship ; Shipping (Part IX. Liability.) (3.) Whore any Loss of Life or personal Inlury is by reason of the...
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Anno decimo septimo et decimo octavo Victoriae reginae Magnae Britanniae et ...

Great Britain - 1854 - 378 páginas
...where all or any of the following Events occur without his actual Fault or Privily, (that is to say,) (1.) Where any Loss of Life or personal Injury is...or other Things whatsoever on board any such Ship ; Merchant Shifsing (Part IX. Liability.) (3.) Where any Loss of Life or personal Injury is by reason...
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Statuts de la province du Canada

Canada - 1854 - 562 páginas
...wnere afi or any of ,l,e fol]owing Events occur without his actual Fault or Privity, (that is to say,) (1.) Where any Loss of Life or personal Injury is...Goods, Merchandise, or other Things whatsoever on board anj such Ship ; Measure of Owner's LiaMerchant. Shipping (Part IX. Liability.) (3.) Where any Loss...
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The Legal Observer, and Solicitors' Journal

1856 - 612 páginas
...where all or any of the following events occur without his actual fault or privity (that is to say) : 1. Where any loss of life or personal injury is caused...goods, merchandise, or other things whatsoever on hoard any such ship. 3. Where any loss of life or personal injury is by reason of the improper navigation...
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Dana's Seaman's friend

Richard Henry Dana - 1856 - 460 páginas
...the happening of any of the events aftermentioned, is in prosecution, or contracted for, viz. : — (1.) Where any loss of life or personal injury is caused to any person being carried in his ship : (2.) Where any damage or loss is caused to any goods, merchandise, or other things whatsoever,...
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Journal of the Society of Arts, Volumen4

1856 - 798 páginas
...heading to denote this fact, It cannot be easily overlooked. It decUres, among other things, that:— 11 Where any loss of life or personal injury is caused to any person being carried in a ship, the owner shall not be answerable in damages to an extent beyond the value of his ship and...
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Journal of the Society of Arts, Volumen4

1856 - 796 páginas denote this fact, it cannot be easily overlooked. It declares, among other things, that : — " Where any loss of life or personal injury is caused to any person being carried in a ship, the owner shall not be answerable in damages to an extent beyond the value of his ship and...
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