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" ... in any such action, such plaintiff shall not have costs against the defendant, unless the judge before whom the trial shall be, shall certify his approbation of the action, and of the verdict obtained thereupon. "
Acts of the Parliament of South Australia - Página 28
por South Australia - 1878
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The Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Passed in ...

Great Britain - 1823 - 1102 páginas
...and notwithstanding a Verdict shall be given to any Plaintiff in such Action or Suit as aforesaid, such Plaintiff shall not have Costs against the Defendant, unless the Judge before whom the Trial shall be shall certify his Approbation of the Verdict. IV. And be it further enacted, That all Actions, Suits...
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The Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain ..., Volumen109;Volumen1225

Great Britain - 1807 - 798 páginas
...proper officer, subject to review ; and though a verdict is given for the plaintiff in the action, he shall not have costs against the defendant unless the judge before whom the trial is had certifies his approval of the action and verdict. 115. Where any such action or proceeding is...
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Cobbett's Weekly Political Register, Volumen12

1807 - 548 páginas
...entitled to more than sixpence • " damage's, liar to ami costs of suit : provi" ded also, that where a verdict shall be " given for the plaintiff" in any such action " as aforesaid, and the judge or court before " whom the cause sb.ill lie tried, thall certi" " fy...
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Cobbett's Political Register, Volumen12

William Cobbett - 1807 - 544 páginas
...not he entitled to more than sixpence damages, nor to am/ costs o/ suit : provided also, that where a verdict shall be given for the plaintiff in any such action as aforesaid, and the judge or court before whom the cause shall be tried, .^Iwll certify on the record...
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The Belfast Monthly Magazine, Volumen6

1811 - 548 páginas
...cases ; and though ,> verdict shall be given to any plaintiff in any such action or suit as aforesaid, such plaintiff shall not have costs against the defendant,...unless the judge, before whom the trial shall be, shall certify his approbation »f the verdict. And be it further enacted. That all actions, suits,...
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A Digested Abridgment, and Comparative View, of the Statute Law of ..., Volumen1

Joseph Gabbett - 1812 - 712 páginas other cases ; and notwithstanding a verdict shall be given to any plaintiff in such action, &c. such plaintiff shall not have costs against the defendant, unless the judge shall certify his approbation of the ver•-. 19. diet. And by s. 19. all actions, suits and prosecutions,...
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A Digest of the Criminal Statute Law of England ..., Volumen2;Volumen659

Harold Nuttall Tomlins - 1819 - 726 páginas
...and notwithstanding a Verdict shall be given to any Plaintiff in such Action or Suit as aforesaid, such Plaintiff shall not have Costs against the Defendant, unless the Judge before whom the Trial shall be, shall certify his Approbation of the Verdict, s. 18. All Actions, Suits, and Prosecutions to be commenced...
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Statutes at Large ...: (29 v. in 32) Statutes or the United Kingdom, 1801 ...

Great Britain - 1823 - 1230 páginas
...Judgment shall Double Costs, be given against the Plaintiff, the Defendant shall recover Double Costs, and have the like Remedy for the same as any Defendant...Defendant, unless the Judge before whom the Trial shall be shall certify his Approbation of the Action, and of the Verdict obtained thereupon. LXXIV. And be it...
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Statutes at Large ...: (29 v. in 32) Statutes or the United Kingdom, 1801 ...

Great Britain - 1825 - 1228 páginas
...Plaintiff, the Defendant shall recover Double Costs, and have the like Remedy for the same as Double Costs any Defendant hath by Law in other Cases ; and though...Defendant, unless the Judge before whom the Trial shall be shall certify his Approbation of the Action, and of the Verdict obtained thereupon. C. 50. 6* GEO....
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A Practical Treatise on the Criminal Law: Comprising the Practice ..., Volumen2

Joseph Chitty - 1826 - 132 páginas
...against the Plaintiff, the Defendant shall recover his full Costs as between Attorney and Client, and have the like Remedy for the same as any Defendant...Defendant, unless the Judge before whom the Trial shall be shall certify his Approbation of the Action, and of the Verdict obtained thereupon. XLII. Provided...
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