Das Staatsarchiv: Sammlung der offiziellen Aktenstücke zur Aussenpolitik der Gegenwart, Volúmenes32-33

Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, 1877

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Página 294 - La marchandise neutre, ŕ l'exception de la contrebande de guerre, n'est pas saisissable sous pavillon ennemi. 4) Les blocus, pour ętre obligatoires, doivent ętre effectifs, c'est-ŕ-dire maintenus par une force suffisante pour interdire réellement l'accčs du littoral de l'ennemi.
Página 254 - Such Person shall be guilty of an Offence against this Act, and shall be punishable by Fine and Imprisonment, or either of such punishments, at the Discretion of the Court before which the Offender is convicted ; and Imprisonment, if awarded, may be either with or without Hard Labour.
Página 168 - Dominions ; that all things may be so ordered and settled by their endeavours, upon the best and surest foundations, that peace and happiness, truth and justice, religion and piety, may be established among us for all generations.
Página 254 - If forthwith upon a proclamation of neutrality being issued by Her Majesty he gives notice to the Secretary of State that he is so building, causing to be built, or equipping such ship, and furnishes such particulars of the contract and of any matters relating to, or done, or to be done under the contract as may be required by the Secretary of State...
Página 251 - We, therefore, have thought fit, by and with the advice of our Privy Council, to issue this our royal proclamation : And we do hereby strictly charge and command all our loving subjects to observe a strict neutrality in and during the aforesaid hostilities...
Página 254 - ... state, or is delivered to " or to the order of such foreign state, or any person who to the " knowledge of the person building is an agent of such foreign state, " or is paid for by such foreign state or such agent, and is employed " in the military or naval service of such foreign state, such ship ' shall, until the contrary is proved, be deemed to have been built ' with a view to being so employed, and the burden shall lie on the ' builder of such ship of proving that he did not know that the...
Página 29 - Rendez-vous ŕ mon appel, et moi, placé par la Constitution ŕ un poste que le devoir m'interdit d'abandonner, je réponds de l'ordre et de la paix.
Página 254 - Where any ship is built by order of or on behalf of any foreign State when at war with a friendly State, or is delivered to or to the order of such foreign State, or any person who to the knowledge of the person building is an agent...
Página 178 - Le maréchal président de la République est investi du droit de dissoudre la Chambre des députés. Il sera procédé, en ce cas, ŕ l'élection d'une nouvelle Chambre dans le délai de six mois.
Página 251 - BY THE QUEEN— A PROCLAMATION. VICTORIA R. : Whereas we are happily at peace with all sovereigns, powers, and states ; And whereas hostilities have unhappily commenced between the government of the United States of America and certain States styling themselves the Confederate States of America...

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