American Law of Charter Parties and Ocean Bills of Lading

M. Bender, 1920 - 273 páginas

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Página 152 - ... to exercise due diligence properly equip, man, provision, and outfit said vessel, and to make said vessel seaworthy and capable of performing her intended voyage, or whereby the obligations of the master, officers, agents, or servants to carefully handle and stow her cargo and to care for and properly deliver same, shall in any wise be lessened, weakened, or avoided.
Página 169 - That if goods are delivered to a carrier by the owner or by a person whose act in conveying the title to them to a purchaser...
Página 153 - That it shall not be lawful for the manager, agent, master, or owner of any vessel transporting merchandise or property from or between ports of the United States and foreign ports to insert in any bill of lading or shipping document any clause, covenant, or agreement whereby It, he, or they shall be relieved from liability for loss or damage arising from negligence, fault, or failure in proper loading, stowage, custody, care, or proper delivery...
Página 175 - ... agent acting for him, of the goods or documents of title under any sale, pledge, or other disposition thereof, to any person receiving the same in good faith and without notice of the previous sale, shall have the same effect as if the person making the delivery or transfer were expressly authorized by the owner of the goods to make the same.
Página 177 - means the person named in the bill as the person from whom the goods have been received for shipment. " Goods " means merchandise or chattels in course of transportation or which have been or are about to be transported. " Holder " of a bill means a person who has both actual possession of such bill and a right of property therein. " Order " means an order by indorsement on the bill. " Person " includes a corporation or partnership, or two or more persons having a joint or common interest. To "...
Página 168 - If a bill of lading has been issued by a carrier or on his behalf by an agent or employee the scope of whose actual or apparent authority includes the issuing of bills of lading...
Página 172 - A request or information to be effective within the meaning of this section must be given to an officer or agent of the carrier, the actual or apparent scope of whose duties includes action upon such a request or information, and must be given in time to enable the officer or agent to whom it is given, acting with reasonable diligence, to stop delivery of the goods.
Página 159 - If so issued, the carrier issuing them shall be liable for failure to deliver the goods described therein to anyone who purchases a part for value in good faith, even though the purchase be after the delivery of the goods by the carrier to a holder of one of the...
Página 203 - Merchant a full and complete cargo which is to be brought to and taken from alongside at Merchant's Risk and Expense, and not exceeding what she can reasonably stow and carry over and above her tackle, apparel, provisions, and furniture...
Página 169 - That a creditor whose debtor is the owner of an order bill shall be entitled to such aid from courts of appropriate jurisdiction by injunction and otherwise in attaching such bill or in satisfying the claim by means thereof as is allowed at law or in equity in regard to property which cannot readily be attached or levied upon by ordinary legal process.

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