Women Teaching for Change: Gender, Class and PowerBloomsbury Academic, 1988 - 174 páginas Applying theory to practice, Women Teaching for Change reveals the complexity of being a feminist teacher in a public school setting, in which the forces of sexism, racism, and classism, which so characterize society as a whole, are played out in multiracial, multicultural classrooms. A fine book, a rich melding of critical theory in education, feminist literature, and pedagogical experience and expertise. Maxine Green, Columbia University |
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... critique because of the hegemonic ideology it partially em- bodies ; but common sense itself provides the means of that critique through its own thought processes and practical activities . Thus the contradictions of everyday life and ...
... critique of , 28 ; failure to analyze social to- tality , 59 Literacy : in Freire , 18 Lived experience : in feminist analysis , 60 McRobbie , Angela , 42-43 , 52 ; and Gar- ber , Jenny , 53 ; and McCabe , Trisha , 56n ; critique of ...
Gender, Class and Power Kathleen Weiler. search , 62 ; feminist critique of , 59 ; impact on educational theory , 12 Positivism , 5 , 25n ; in traditional edu- cational theory , 22 ; phenomeno- logical critique of , 12 Power : of ...
CHAPTER TWO Feminist Analyses of Gender | 27 |
CHAPTER THREE Feminist Methodology | 57 |
CHAPTER FOUR The Dialectics of Gender in | 73 |
Derechos de autor | |
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