Race, Identity, and Representation in Education

Cameron McCarthy, Warren Crichlow, Greg Dimitriadis, Nadine Dolby
Routledge, 2005 - 498 páginas
This stunning new edition retains the book's broad aims, intended audience, and multidisciplinary approach. New chapters take into account the more current backdrop of globalization, particularly events such as 9/11, and attendant developments that make a reconsideration of race relations in education quite urgent.

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Acerca del autor (2005)

Cameron McCarthy is Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Warren Crichlow is Associate Professor and Director of the Graduate Program in Education, York University, Canada.
Gregory Dimitriadis is Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, SUNY Buffalo.
Nadine Dolby is Assistant Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, School of Education, Purdue University.

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