The Bakhtin Circle TodayBRILL, 2022 M04 25 - 232 páginas |
Introduction | 1 |
Bakhtin and the Body | 19 |
Communication as Response | 43 |
Dialogue Sense and Ideology in Bakhtin | 65 |
Bakhtins Young Hegelian Aesthetics | 77 |
Bakhtin and Adorno | 95 |
Bakhtin Rorty and Gadamer | 107 |
Bakhtin Discourse and Feminist Theories | 121 |
Mikhail Bakhtin and Contemporary AngloAmerican Feminist Theory | 141 |
Polyphony in the Interaction of Object and Audience | 163 |
Thematic and Axiological Meanings in Spoken Discourse | 181 |
Silence as a Weapon of Authoritarian Discourse | 211 |
231 | |
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Términos y frases comunes
abstract aesthetic analysis articulated aspects avant-garde axiological Bakhtin circle Bakhtin's ideas Bakhtin's theories Bakhtinian carnival Caryl Emerson chronotope clause communication concept constructed context critique culture Dada dialectical Dialogic Imagination discourse voices Dostoevsky dynamic epistemology essay evaluation feminism feminist critics feminist dialogics function Gadamer Gadamer's gender genre given Hegel Hegel's hermeneutical heteroglossic historical ideology interaction interpretation intertextual Jürgen Habermas Lacombe's language linguistic literary text literature M. M. Bakhtin Marxism Michael Holquist Mikhail Bakhtin mode monologic Morson narrator normative notion novel object particular perspective philosophy Philosophy of Language Poetics polemic political polyphonic poststructuralists practices problem question Rabelais reader reading reception reception theory refer rhetoric Roland Barthes semantic semiotic sense silence social heteroglossia socialist realism sociolects speaking specific speech structure studies subject positions textual thematic formation thematic-semantic relations tion tradition trans understanding University Press utterance verbal Vischer Voloshinov women word writing young Hegelian