Imágenes de páginas

Quebec, Deputy Attorney-General.

Queensland, Department of Justice.

Randall, H. J.

Rankine, Professor Sir J.

Reading, The Rt. Hon, the Earl of.

Reparation Commission.

Rhymer, E. T.

Richards, Sir H. Erle.

Rigby, Messrs. (Australia) (per Gordon & Gotch, Ltd.),

Robertson, Lindsay J.

Rodyk & Davidson (Singapore).

†Rosebery, Rt. Hon. The Earl of.

Roskill, C.

Royal Colonial Institute.

Ruegg, His Hon. Judge.

Russell, H. A.

Russell Sage Foundation Library (per F. W. Faxon Co.).

Safwat, Ahmed(Egypt).

St. John's University, Shanghai (per Eliot Stock).

St. Lucia, The Attorney-General (per Crown Agents).

St. Vincent, Supreme Court (per Crown Agents).

Sanderson, W. A. (Victoria, Australia) (per Sweet & Maxwell).

San Francisco Law Library (per Carswell Co.).

Sankey, The Hon. Mr. Justice.

Sapru, The Hon. Taj Bahadur (Allahabad, India) (per Butterworth & Co.).

Saskatchewan, Legislative Counsel. (5)

Savary, William (Trinidad).

Save the Children Fund.

Schadee, Dr. H. M. A. (Holland).

Schuster, E. (New York) (per Butterworth & Co.).

Schuster, E. J.

Scott, W. D.

Seychelles, The Governor's Office (per Crown Agents).

Shanghai College Library.

Shanghai, Commercial Press, Ltd. (per Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton,

Kent & Co.).

Shaw, The Rt. Hon. Lord.

Sheffield Public Library.

†Shepheard, W. P. B.

Shick, R. P. (Philadelphia).

Shipping Federation, Ltd.

Shogyo Kenkyusho, Kobe Higher Commercial School (per Maruzen Co., Ltd.).

Sierra Leone, Attorney-General (per Crown Agents).
Simon, The Rt. Hon. Sir John A.

Social Law Library, Boston, Mass.

Social Service Council of Canada.

Solicitors Supreme Court Library (Edinburgh).

Sota y Aburto, Senor D. Ramón de la (Spain).

South Africa, Library of Parliament (per Juta & Co.).

South Africa, Office of the High Commissioner.

South Africa Railway Headquarters (per Wheldon & Wesley, Ltd.).

South Africa, Secretary for Justice. (6)

South Australia, The Hon, the Attorney-General.

South Australia, The Hon. Chief Justice (per Harvey Book Co.).

South Australia, Government Statist (Adelaide).

Southern Law Society (Hobart, Tasmania).

Squire Law Library.

Stanford Junior University Library, California (per Stechert & Co.).

Stationery Office, The. (17)

Statovedecka Spolecnost (Prague).

Steiger, Messrs. & Co. (New York) (per Dawson & Sons, Ltd.).
Stent & Simpson (Cape Town).

Stephens, The Hon. Alex. W. (per Chipman Law Publishing Co.).
Straits Settlements, Colonial Secretary. (11) (per Crown Agents).

Sudan, The Hon. the Legal Secretary.

Suyling, J. Ph. (Holland).

Sweet & Maxwell. (2)

Sydney University. (per Australian Book Co.).

Symon, The Rt. Hon. Sir Josiah H.

Syracuse University Library, New York (per F. W. Faxon Co.).

Taft, Henry W. (New York).

Taft, The Hon. W. H. (Connecticut, U.S.A.).

Tanganyika, Chief Secretary to Government (per Crown Agents).

Tanganyika, The Registrar, High Court (per Crown Agents).

Tasmania, Agent-General. (10)

Tasmania University.

Tatham, The Hon. Mr. Justice F. S. (Natal).

Texas State Library (per N. A. Phemister Co.).

Texas University.

Thomson, McLintock & Co.

Thring, Sir Arthur.

Tokio Imperial University (per Maruzen Co., Ltd.).

Tokio Seminary of Law (per Maruzen Co., Ltd.).

Tokio, Shihosho-Chosaka (Dept. of Justice) (per Maruzen Co., Ltd.).

Toronto & York Law Association.

Toronto Public Library (per Dawson & Sons, Ltd.).

Transvaal, The Hon. the Administrator.

[ocr errors]

Travancore, The Hon. the Dewan of (per Dawson & Sons, Ltd.).
Trimble, M. (New Zealand).

Trinidad, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary. (5) (per Crown Agents). Trivandrum, Addl Head Sirkar Vakil.

Tsing Hua College Library (China).

Tuffill, Paymaster Lieut-Commander H. B.
Tupper, Sir C. Hibbert (British Columbia).

Tyan, M. T. Z.

Uganda, Attorney-General (per Crown Agents).
Uganda, Entebbe, High Court (per Crown Agents).

United Provinces of Agra and Oudh. (12)

United States Dept. of Labour Library (per P. S. King & Son).

University College.

University Correspondence College, Cambridge.

University Law College Library, Calcutta (per Cambray & Co.).
Upper Canada Law Society Library (per Sweet & Maxwell).

Utrecht, University Library (per Luzac & Co.).

Uzawa, S. (Japan) (per Maruzen Co., Ltd.).

Vafiadis, Th. (Greece) (per Hachette).

Van Zyl, G. V. (Cape Town) (per Juta and Walker).

Vermont State Library (per Chipman Law Publishing Co.).

Vesey, Sydney T. C.

Victoria, Agent-General. (5)

Victoria Crown Law Dept. (per Sweet & Maxwell).

Victoria Law Institute.

Victoria State Parliamentary Library (per Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton,

Kent & Co.).

Victoria University College Library (per Sotheran & Co.).

Vidura, Phya Deb (Siam) (per Sweet & Maxwell).

Vincent, The Hon. Sir Wm. (India).

Washington State Law Library (per Chipman Law Publishing Co.).
Washington University Law Library (per N.A. Phemister Co.).

Washington University Library (per Stevens & Brown).

Waters, Rev. Dr.

†Watt, W. A.

Webb-Johnson, Captain (India).

Wesley University (Middleton, Connecticut, U.S.A.) (per Stechert & Co.).

Western Australia, Crown Law Dept. (2)

Whitcombe & Tombs (per Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co.).

Whittall, Leonard (Smyrna).

Whittuck, E. A.

Willan, W. E.

Willcocks, R. E.

Williams College Library, Mass.

Wilson, Sir Harry.

Wilson, Ralph T.

Wirth, Fredk. Jun. (Paris).

Wisconsin State Library (per Carswell Co., Toronto).

Wisconsin University Law Library (per N. A. Phemister Co.).

Women's International League (Switzerland).

Woodhouse, Sir Percy.

Wright, W. T. M. (India).

Wyler, Dr. Marcus (Switzerland).

Wyoming State Library (per N. A. Phemister Co.).

Yale University Library (per G. E. Stechert & Co.).
Younger, The Rt. Hon. Lord Justice.

Zanzibar, Attorney-General (per Crown Agents).

Grants to the work of the Society are given by the Honourable Societies of Gray's Inn (£10 10s.), Lincoln's Inn (£21), the Middle Temple (£21), and the Law Society (£21).


The thanks of the Committee are offered to the following :(a) Contributors to the Journal of the Society during the year 1920: Sir Reginald Acland, K.C.; G. Glover Alexander, Esq., LL.M. ; T. R. Bavin, Esq., B.A., LL.D.; W. R. Bisschop, Esq.; C. E. Buckland, Esq.; Sir Mackenzie D. Chalmers, K.C.B.; Hon. Mr. Justice Chapman; Professor A. H. Charteris, LL.B.; R. T. Clark, Esq.; Miss Monica M. Geikie Cobb; C. J. Colombos, Esq., LL.D.; E. G. Coppel, Esq.; Dr. Vladimir Dedek; H. V. Evatt, Esq., B.A., LL.D.; Dr. Letitia Fairfield; R. Feetham, Esq.; Sir Albert Gray, K.C.B., K.C.; John Glaister, Esq., M.D., D.P.H.(Camb.), F.R.S.(Ed.) ; Professor H. C. Gutteridge; D. P. Heatley, Esq.; Miss L. M. Henderson; A. R. Henderson, Esq.; C. L. Hudson, Esq.; Sir Courtenay P. Ilbert, G.C.B., K.C.S.I.; E. Jenks, Esq.; C. E. Jones, Esq. ; F. N. Keen, Esq.; Professor Berriedale Keith; W. S. M. Knight, Esq.; H. P. Lévy, Esq., B.A.; M. Henri L. Lévy Ullman; R. J. Lowenstern, Esq., B.A.; L. Mann, Esq.; R. R. Marett, Esq., D.Sc.; Miss M. Cecile Matheson; José P. Melencio, Esq.; S. E. Minnis, Esq.; Professor Harrison Moore; Professor René Morel; Lieut.-Colonel F. Norris ; Launcelot Packer, Esq.; George Wharton Pepper, Esq.; P. D. Phillips, Esq.; H. J. Randall, Esq.; A. Sabonadierè, Esq.; D. Stanley Smith, Esq., LL.M.; Gilbert Stone, Esq.; Sir C. Hibbert Tupper, K.C.M.G.; Lieut.Colonel C. Braithwaite Wallis, LL.B., F.R.G.S. ; W. W. Webster, Esq. ; E. A. Whittuck, Esq.; J. Fischer Williams, Esq., C.B.E. ; H. E. Williams, Esq.

(b) Writers of the Summaries of Legislation for the Annual Review of the year 1919: R. R. Altunaga, Esq.; Attorney-General, Trinidad and Tobago; Capt. Maxwell Anderson, C.B.E., K.C., R.N. (ret.); W. E. Bentley, Esq., K.C.; O. E. Bodington, Esq.; Hon. E. St. John Branch, K.C.; J. Christie, Esq., LL.M.; A. De Mello, Esq.; Dr. Escobar; J. D. Falconbridge, Esq.; J. F. Gamble, Esq., B.A., LL.B.; F. H. Gisborne, Esq., K.C., I.S.O.; Hon. Hugh Godley (Assistant Parliamentary Counsel); Hon. Sir Reginald Gray, K.C.; Hon. L. E. Groom, M.A., LL.M., M.P.; A. J. Hannan, Esq., M.A., LL.B.; G. Hartog, Esq.; Hon. Mr. Justice Herbert; J. D. Hunt, Esq., K.C.; The International Intermediary Institute; G. Š. Knowles, Esq.; E. Koenig, Esq.; Senor Labatut; L. Maartensz, Esq.; C. F. C. Macaskie, Esq.; Hon. Harcourt Malcolm, O.B.E., K.C.; R. Masujima, Esq.; E. L. Matthews, Esq., K.C., C.M.G., W. Harrison Moore, Esq.; A. P. Muddiman, Esq., C.S.I., C.I.E.; E. T. Nicolle, Esq., Vicomte of Jersey; A. V. Pineo, Esq.; J. Pitblado, Esq., K.C., LL.B.; Hon. J. E. M. Salmon; R. W. Shannon, Esq., K.C.; Mr. Justice Fabre Surveyer; F. L. Stow, Esq., LL.D.; Professor Mario Sarfatti; E. Gardiner Smith, Esq.; J. E. R. Stephens, Esq.; Mr. Justice Stuart; G. M. Swift, Esq.; T. J. Turbett, Esq.; Professor Wang King Ky; Hon. W. R. Warren, K.C.; Hon. W. M. Wigley; R. W. H Wilkinson, Esq.; His Honour A. K. Young, K.C.; His Honour Judge Zichy-Woinarski, K.C.

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