persons claiming through a member or past member or between a member or past member or persons so claiming and the committee or any officer shall be referred to the Registrar for decision or, if he so directs, to arbitration, and prescribe the mode of appointing an arbitrator or arbitrators and the pocedure to be followed in proceedings before the Registrar or such arbitrator or arbitrators, and the enforcement of the decisions of the Registrar or the awards of arbitrators; (m) provide for the mode in which the value of the share or interest shall be ascertained for the purposes of sections 20, 21 and 23 and for the nomination of transferees under section 19; (n) prescribe the payments to be made and the conditions to be complied with by members applying for loans, the periods for which loans may be made, and the amount which may be lent, to an individual member; (0) provide for the formation and maintenance of reserve funds, and the objects to which such funds may be applied, and for the investment of any funds under the control of the society; (p) prescribe the extent to which a co-operative society may limit the number of its members; (q) prescribe the conditions under which profits may be distributed to the members of a co-operative society with unlimited liability and the maximum rate of dividend which may be paid by co-operative societies; (r) subject to the provisions of section 45, determine in what cases an appeal shall lie from the orders of the Registrar and prescribe the procedure to be followed in presenting and disposing of such appeals; (s) prescribe the procedure to be followed by a liquidator appointed under section 47, and the cases in which an appeal shall lie from the order of such liquidator; and (t) prescribe the remuneration which shall be payable to headmen or others employed to collect sums recoverable under section 51 in the same manner as arrears of land revenue. (3) The Local Government may delegate, subject to such conditions, if any, as it thinks fit, all or any of its powers to make rules under this section to any authority specified in the order of delegation. (4) The power to make rules conferred by this section is subject to the condition of the rules being made after previous publication. (5) All rules made under this section shall be published in the Gazette. MISCELLANEOUS. Recovery of sums due to Government. 51. (1) All sums due from a co-operative society or from an officer or member or past member of a society as such to the Government, and all sums awarded as costs under section 44, or payable by order of a liquidator under section 47, shall be recovered in the same manner as arrears of land-revenue on a requisition being made by the Registrar, to the Collector. (2) Sums due from a co-operative society and recoverable under sub-section (1) may be recovered, firstly, from the property of the society and secondly, in the case of a society of which the liability of the members is limited, from the members subject to the limit of their liability and, in the case of other societies, from the members. Repeal. 52. The enactments specified in the Schedule are hereby repealed in so far as they apply to Burma to the extent specified in the fourth column of the said Schedule. n) Régler les conditions de prêts faits aux membres; o) Veiller au maintien des fonds de réserves; p) Fixer le nombre maximum des membres pour une société; q) Fixer des conditions à la répartition des bénéfices et à la distribution des dividendes; r) Déterminer la procédure d'appel par un des membres; s) Déterminer la procédure de liquidation; t) Régler le recouvrement des sommes dues au gouvernement. DIVERS. 51. Cet article règle le recouvrement des sommes dues par une société coopérative au gouvernement. Reconnaissance légale de la » Young Men's Buddhist Association, Colombo ». Portant reconnaissance légale de la « Young Men's Buddhist Association », de Colombo. (Association des Jeunes gens Bouddhistes). L'Association dénommée « The Young Men's Buddhist Association Colombo », ayant conjormément à ses statuts atteint les buts pour lesquels elle a été créée, le Gouverneur avec l'avis et le consentement du Conseil Législatif a pris la présente ordonnance pour lui accorder la reconnaissance légale qu'elle a demandée, cette reconnaissance constituant un avantage d'ordre public. (1) Le rapport sur l'administration de Ceylan pendant l'année 1926-1927 ne nous étant pas parvenu en temps voulu, nous avons dû en remettre la reproduction. (1) The report of the administration of Ceylon during the year 1926-1927 did not reach us in due time, we have been compelled to remit its reproduction. or shall hereafter be admitted members of the corporation hereby constituted, shall be and become a corporation with continuance for ever under the style and name of « The Young Men's Buddhist Association, Colombo », and by that name shall and may sue and be sued in all courts, with full power and authority to have and use a common seal and alter the same at their pleasure. General objects of the corporation. 3. The general objects for which the corporation is constituted are hereby declared to be (a) the study and propagation of Buddhism, (b) the encouragement of the practical observance of Buddhism, (c) the promotion of unity and co-operation among Buddhists, and (d) the advancement of the physical, intellectual, and social welfare of the members. Committee of Management. 4. (1) The affairs of the corporation shall, subject to the rules in force for the time being of the corporation as hereinafter provided, be administered by a Committee of Management consisting of the President, five Vice-Presidents, the Honorary General Secretary, and Honorary Treasurer respectively of the corporation and not less than seventeen other members, to be elected respectively in accordance with rules for the time being of the corporation. (2) All members of the corporation shall be subject to the rules in force for the time being of the corporation. (3) The first Committee of Managment shall consist of: (Then follow some 25 names). Power to make rules. 5. It shall be lawful for the corporation from time to time, at any general meeting of the members, and by a majority of votes to make rules for the admission, withdrawal, or expulsion of members; for the conduct of the duties of the Committee of Management and of the various officers, agents, and servants of the corporation; for the procedure in the transac tion of business; and otherwise generally for the management of the affairs of the corporation and the accomplishment of its objects. Such rules when made may, at a like meeting, be altered, added to, amended, or cancelled, subject, however, to the requirements of section 7. Rules in the schedule to be the rules of the corpo ration. 6. Subject to the provisions in the preceding section contained, the rules set forth in the schedule hereto shall for all purposes be the rules of the corporation, provided, however, that nothing in this section contained shall be held or construed to prevent the corporation at all times hereafter from making fresh rules, or from altering, amending, adding to, or cancelling any of the rules in the schedule hereto or to be hereafter made by the corporation. Procedure for amendment of rules. 7. No rule in the schedule hereto, nor any rule hereafter passed at a general meeting, shall be altered, added to, amended, or cancelled, except by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at a general meeting of the association, provided that such amendment shall have been previously approved by the Committee of Management. 8. Property vested in corporation. 9. Debts due by and payable to the corpo ration. 10. How the seal of the corporation is to be affixed. 11. Corporation may hold property, movable and immovable. 12. Saving as to the rights of His Majesty and others. SCHEDULE. Rules of the Young Men's Buddhist Association, Colombo : (Contains 8 clauses.) Cette association pourra à l'avenir citer en justice devant tous les tribunaux, elle aura son sceau qu'elle pourra changer suivant son bon plaisir. Les buts poursuivis par la Société sont : a) l'étude et la propagation du bouddhisme; b) l'encouragement à l'observance pratique du bouddhisme; c) favoriser le progrès et la coopération parmi les bouddhistes, et d) répandre parmi les membres le bien être physique, intellectuel et social. L'ordonnance contient ensuite des renseignements sur l'administration et les statuts de l'Asso ciation. |