New section 50A inserted in Chapter 93. 37. The following section is hereby inserted in the principal Ordinance immediately after section 50: « Duty of seller of minerals to satisfy himself that purchaser is licensed to buy. » < 50A. No person shall sell any mineral unless he has first satisfied himself that the purchaser is the holder of a licence to purchase that mineral. >> Amendment of sub-section (1) of section 54 of Chapter 93. 38. Sub-section (1) of section 54 of the principal Ordinance is hereby amended by deleting therefrom the word « lands » and substituting therefor the word « land ». Amendment of section 62 of Chapter 93. 42. Section 62 of the principal Ordinance is hereby amended by deleting therefrom all words from and including the words « and the lessee of a mining lease » in line 2 down to and including the word « exists » in line 4 and substituting therefor the words: << and the lessee of, or applicant for, a mining lease, and the holder of, or applicant for a mining right or exclusive prospecting licence, on whose area, whether leased, held or applied for, any open shaft or open cast exists. >> Amendment of section 67 of Chapter 93. 43. Section 67 of the principal Ordinance is hereby amended by deleting therefrom the words the holder of a prospecting right, exclusive prospecting licence, or a mining Amendment of sub-section (3) of section 54 of right, or a mining lessee, such holder or lessee » Chapter 93. 39. Paragraph (c) of sub-section (3) of section 54 of the principal Ordinance is hereby amended: (a) by deleting therefrom the words « by the lessee or the holder of the right or licence » and substituting therefor the words « on the area covered by the grant »; and (b) by deleting the word « lessee » from the proviso thereto and substituting therefor the word « person ». Amendment of sub-section (1) of section 58 of Chapter 93. 40. Sub-section (1) of section 58 of the principal Ordinance is hereby amended by inserting the words or any other officer appointed by the Governor in that behalf » immediately after the words an administrative officer » therein occuring. Amendment of sub-section (2) of section 58 of Chapter 93. 41. Sub-section (2) of section 58 of the principal Ordinance is hereby amended by deleting therefrom the words « The Chief Inspector of Mines or an administrative officer » and substituting therefor the words « The officer holding the inquiry ». and substituting therefor the words « the holder of any licence, right or lease granted under this Ordinance, such holder. » Repeal of section 69 of Chapter 93. 44. Section 69 of the principal Ordinance is hereby repealed. Amendment of section 70 of Chapter 93. 45. Section 70 of the principal Ordinance is hereby amended : (a) by deleting the words «prospecting rights exclusive prospecting licences, mining rights and mining «leases » from paragraph (a) thereof and substituting therefor the words « any licence, right or lease « which may be granted under this Ordinance »; (b) by inserting therein the following paragraph immediately after paragraph (ƒ) thereof : << (ff) exempting the area of any land to be included in a licence for the exclusive prospecting for, or a lease for the mining of, any carbonaceous mineral from the provisions of section 45 »; (c) by inserting the words « water rights » immediately after the words « mining rights » in paragraph (n) thereof; and (d) by deleting from paragraph (r) thereof the word << tailings » and substituting therefor the word tailing ». pourvu que cette restitution n'affecte aucune responsabilité encourue par le détenteur avant l'entrée en vigueur de la restitution. » 37. L'article suivant vient immédiatement après l'article 50: « 50A. Personne ne vendra un minéral à moins qu'il ne soit assuré que l'acheteur est détenteur d'une licence d'achat pour ce minéral. » 44. L'article 69 de l'ordonnance principale est supprimé. PREFACE. (EXTRAITS The territory known as the Protectorate of Northern Rhodesia lies between Longitudes 22°E. and 33o 35'E. and between Latitudes 8° 15'S. and 18°S. It is bounded on the west by Angola, on the north-west by the Belgian Congo, on the north-east by Tanganyika Territory, on the east by the Nyasaland Protectorate and Portuguese East Africa, and on the south by Southern Rhodesia and the mandated territory of South West Africa; comprising in all an area that is computed to be about 278,950 square miles. The River Zambesi forms the greater part of the southern boundary; its two main northern tributaries are the rivers Kafue and EXTRACTS) Luangwa. With the exception of these river valleys, the territory consists of a table-land varying from 3,000 to 4,500 feet in height, though in the north-eastern portion, and especially in the vicinity of Lake Tanganyika, the altitude is greater. Very little is known of the history of the native population until quite recent years. It is conjectured that the various movements of the Bantu people from the north, starting perhaps 2,500 years ago, crossed and recrossed what is now Northern Rhodesia. Whether these movements, in their effect on this portion of Central Africa, were migratory or predatory, whether they found any aboriginal inhabitants or traversed an uninhabited forest, whether PRÉFACE. Le Territoire, connu sous le nom de Rhodésie Septentrionale, est borné par l'Angola, le Congo Belge, le Territoire du Tanganyika, le Protectorat du Nyassaland, l'Est-Africain Portugais, la Rhodésie Méridionale et le territoire à mandat du Sud-Ouest Africain. Sa superficie est évaluée à 278,950 milles carrés. Le Zambèze forme la plus grande partie de sa frontière méridionale; ses deux principaux affluents sont le Kafue et la Luangwa. A l'exception des vallées de ces cours d'eau, le territoire est composé d'un vaste plateau de 3,000 à 4,500 pieds de hauteur. Toutefois, au nord-est, principalement près du lac Tanganyika, l'altitude est plus grande. Jusqu'à ces dernières années, on connaît très peu de choses de l'histoire de sa population indigène. Tout ce que l'on peut dire est que la majorité de la population est de race Bantou et descend d'individus qui ont envahi le pays après l'année 1700. Une ou deux petites tribus, ne comptant que quelques milliers d'âmes, telles que les Masubia sur le Zambèze, sont tout ce qui reste des habitants de la Rhodésie Septentrionale antérieurement à cette date. Actuellement, les statistiques renseignent they resulted in any form of settlement or merely passed to other parts of Africa is alike unknown. All that can be said is that the vast majority of the present native population, though of Bantu origin, is descended from men who themselves invaded this country not earlier than 1700 A.D. One or two small tribes, numbering now only a very few thousand, such as the Masubia on the 7ambesi, are all that remain of the inhabitants of Northern Rhodesia prior to that date ... At the present time statistics are available of seventy different tribes resident in the Territory... There are said to be 38 distinct native languages in use, of which Chiwe mba and Chinyanja have been adopted for educational purposes in the eastern districts, and Chitonga (closely allied to Chila) and Sikololo in the western. In addition to these, Chinyanja is in use as the official language of the Police, and is probably the language most generally spoken by Europeans... The earliest recorded information about Northern Rhodesia is contained in the diaries of the Portuguese Governor of Sena, Dr. Lacerda, and of his chaplain, Pinto, who led an expedition in 1798 from Tete into Kasembe's country, close to the eastern shore of Lake Mweru. Little more is known of the history of the country until the arrival of Dr. Livingstone in 1855, when he visited the Victoria Falls and travelled through Barotseland. But, in the interval, Arab inroads from the north had occurred, and the slave trade which they established continued unchecked until 1893... In each succeeding year more Arab settlements on the lake shores were destroyed and the last caravan of slaves, which was intercepted on its way to the East Coast, was released at Fort Jameson in 1898... With the final establishment of the administration of the British South Africa Company, the slavers quickly disappeared from the country. Previous to 1899 the whole territory had been vaguely included in the Charter granted to the British South Africa Company, but in that year the Barotseland North-Western Rhodesia Order in Council placed the administration of the western portion of the country by the Company on a firm basis; and this was closely followed by the North-Eastern Rhodesia Order in Council of 1900 with similar effect. The two territories were amalgamated in 1911 under the designation of Northern Rhodesia, and the administration of the Company (subject to the exercise of certain powers of control by the Crown) continued until 1924, when, in terms of a settlement arrived at between the Crown and the Company, the administration of the Territory was assumed by the Crown, and the first Governor was appointed on 1st April, 1924. 70 tribus différentes vivant sur le territoire. On dit qu'il y a 38 idicmes indigènes différents qui sont parlés. Parmi ceux-ci le Chiwemba et le Chinyanja ont été adoptés dans l'enseignement, pour les districts orientaux, et le Chitonga (étroitement allié au Chila) ainsi que le Sikololo, pour les districts occidentaux. Au surplus, le Chinyanja est la langue officielle de la police, et c'est probablement la langue généralement parlée par les Européens. Les premières relations de voyage relatives à la Rhodésie Septentrionale se trouvent dans les journaux de route du Gouverneur Portugais de Sena, le Dr Lacerda, et de son Chapelain, Pinto, qui conduisirent, en 1798, une expédition partie de Tété pour se rendre dans le pays de Kasembe, près des rives orientales du lac Mweru. On n'a pas appris grand chose de plus sur le pays, jusqu'à l'arrivée du Dr Livingstone, en 1855, lorsqu'il visita les Chutes de Victoria et traversa le Barotseland. Dans l'entretemps, les incursions des Arabes, venant du Nord, s'étaient produites et le commerce des esclaves auquel ils se livraient continua sans entraves jusqu'en 1893. Dans la suite, on détruisit chaque année, de plus en plus, des établissements arabes situés le long des rives du lac et la dernière caravane d'esclaves qui fut interceptée sur la route de la Côte Orientale, fut relachée en 1898, à Fort Jameson. Avec l'instauration définitive de l'administration de la Compagnie Anglaise de l'Afrique Australe, les esclavagistes disparurent bientôt du pays. Avant 1899, tout le territoire était vaguement compris dans la Charte accordée à la Compagnie Anglaise de l'Afrique Australe (British South Africa Company). Cette même année, l'Ordre en Conseil, concernant le Barotseland et la Rhodésie Septentrionale, plaça l'administration de la partie occidentale du pays, qui était exercée par la Compagnie, sur une base ferme et en 1900, l'Ordre en Conseil, concernant la Rhodésie du Nord-Est fut rendu dans le même but. Les deux territoires furent fusionnés en 1911 sous le nom de Rhodésie Septentrionale et l'administration de la Compagnie (soumise à l'exercice de certains pouvoirs de contrôle par la Cou |