Imágenes de páginas

with the first application unless lodged with the proper officer within a period of twentyfour hours of the receipt by such officer of the first application. »

New sub-section substituted for sub-section (5) of section 11 of Chapter 93.

16. Sub-section (5) of section 11 of the principal Ordinance is hereby repealed and the following substituted therefor:

« (5) An exclusive prospecting licence shall not be granted in respect of an area exceeding eight square miles (or in the case of precious minerals two square miles), and if applied for in respect of an area of less than one square mile (or in the case of precious minerals one quarter of a square mile), the area in respect of which the licence is granted may, on the recommendation of the Surveyor-General, be increased up to a total of one square mile (or in the case of precious minerals one quarter of a square mile). »

New section 11A inserted in Chapter 93.

17. The following section is hereby inserted in the principal Ordinance immediately after section 11:

« Penalty for false information by applicant for exclusive prospecting licence. »

<< 11A. Any applicant for an exclusive prospecting licence wilfully or recklessly giving false information as to any of the matters in respect of which information is or may be required to be given under this Ordinance shall be liable to

a fine of fifty pounds or to imprisonment for six months or to both. »

Amendment of sub-section (1) of section 15 of
Chapter 93.

18. Sub-section (1) of section 15 of the principal Ordinance is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof the words « or both. »

Amendment of sub-section (4) of section 15 of
Chapter 93.

19. Sub-section (4) of section 15 of the principal Ordinance is hereby amended :

(a) by deleting there from the words « for metalliferous minerals »; and

(b) by deleting there from the last word« minerals » and substituting there for the word << mineral ».

Amendment of section 16 of Chapter 93.

20. Section 16 of the principal Ordinance is hereby amended by deleting the first paragraph thereof and substituting therefor the following: « Holder of exclusive prospecting licence to prospect adequately. »

<< The holder of an exclusive prospecting licence shall, during the continuance of the licence, adequately carry on to the satisfaction of the Chief Inspector of Mines bona fide prospecting operations on the lands included in the area in respect of which the licence has been granted. >>

New section 16A inserted in Chapter 93.

21. The following section is hereby inserted

« (5) Une licence de prospection exclusive ne pourra être accordée pour une superficie dépassant huit milles carrés (ou s'il s'agit de minéraux précieux, deux milles carrés), La superficie pour laquelle la licence est accordée pourra, sur recommandation du Contrôleur général, être augmentée au total d'un mille carré (ou en cas de minéraux précieux, d'un quart de mille carré) ».

17. L'article 11 de l'ordonnance principale sera immédiatement suivi de l'article suivant :

« 11A. Tout demandeur d'une licence de prospection exclusive, qui, soit volontairement soit négligemment, fournira de fausses indications au sujet des renseignements qui lui sont demandés en la matière et conformément à la présente ordonnance sera passible d'une amende de 50 livres ou d'un emprisonnement de 6 mois ou des deux peines à la fois. »

20. A l'article 16 de l'ordonnance principale, il convient de remplacer le paragraphe 1 par le paragraphe suivant :

« Le détenteur d'une licence de prospection exclusive sera tenu de pratiquer ses opérations de bonne foi à la satisfaction de l'Inspecteur en Chef des Mines, sur les terres pour lesquelles la licence a été délivrée. »

21. L'article suivant est immédiatement placé à la suite de l'article 16 de l'ordonnance principale:

« 16A. Le détenteur d'une licence de prospection cxclusive fera des rapports complets et convenables sur ses opérations de prospection, »

in the principal Ordinance immediately after section 16:

« Records of prospecting operations. »

« 16A. The holder of an exclusive prospecting licence shall keep full and accurate records of his prospecting operations. »

Amendment of sub-section (2) of section 17 of
Chapter 93.

22. Sub-section (2) of section 17 of the principal Ordinance is hereby amended :

(a) by deleting the word « are » from the first line of the second paragraph thereof and substituting therefor the word « is »; and

(b) by deleting the word «< they >> from the second line of the second paragraph thereof and substituting therefor the words « such party ».

Amendment of sub-section (1) of section 20 of❘
Chapter 93.

23. Sub-section (1) of section 20 of the principal Ordinance is hereby repealed and the following substituted therefor :

«Grant of a mining right. »

« (1) The Governor may grant a mining right to any person who, being the holder of a prospecting right, has beaconed the area over which the mining right is applied for or who has, by an agent who is the holder of a prospecting right on his behalf, beaconed such area, or to the holder of an exclusive prospecting licence, provided that in the latter case the area over which the mining right is applied for lies wholly within the boundaries of the area covered by that licence. >>

New sub-section substituted for sub-section (4) of section 20 of Chapter 93.

25. Sub-section (4) of section 20 of the principal Ordinance is hereby repealed and the following substituted therefor :

(4) A mining right shall remain in force for one year from the date thereof or the grant of permission to the applicant to mine on the area applied for, whichever be the earlier, but may be renewed by the Governor for further terms of one year. »

Amendment of sub-section (4) of section 21 of
Chapter 93.

26. Sub-section (4) of section 21 of the principal Ordinance is hereby amended by deleting therefrom the word and figure « and (5) » and substituting therefor the word and figures « (5) and (6) ».

Amendment of sub-section (1) of section 22 of
Chapter 93.

27. Sub-section (1) of section 22 of the principal Ordinance is hereby amended by deleting therefrom the words « continuously and ».

Amendment of sub-section (2) of section 22 of
Chapter 93.

28. Sub-section (2) of section 22 of the principal Ordinance is hereby amended by deleting therefrom the word « European ».

Amendment of sub-section (1) of section 25 of
Chapter 93.

29. Sub-section (1) of section 25 of the principal Ordinance is hereby amended by deleting therefrom the words « to the holder of a pros

Amendment of sub-section (3) of section 20 of pecting right or » and substituting therefor the Chapter 93.

24. Sub-section (3) of section 20 of the principal Ordinance is hereby amended by deleting therefrom the proviso thereto.

words « to any person who, being the holder of a prospecting right, has beaconed the area over which the mining lease is applied for or who has, by an agent who is the holder of a prospect

23. La disposition suivante remplace le paragraphe 1 de l'article 20 de l'ordonnance principale :

(1) Le Gouverneur peut accorder un droit minier à toute personne qui, étant détentrice d'un droit de prospection, a exploré le terrain pour lequel le droit minier est demandé, ou qui a fait explorer par un agent ce terrain au moyen d'une licence délivrée à celui-ci pour son propre compte, ou encore au détenteur d'une licence de prospection exclusive, pourvu dans ce dernier cas sollicité se trouve tout entier dans les limites de la superficie visée par la licence. »

que le terrain

25. Le paragraphe 4 de l'article 20 de l'ordonnance principale est remplacé par la disposition ci-après :

(4) Un droit minier reste en vigueur pendant un an, à partir de sa date ou de la date de l'autorisation de pratiquer des opérations minières dans la région pour laquelle elle a été sollicitée. Le Gouverneur peut dans la suite le renouveler pour de nouveaux termes d'un an. »

ing right on his behalf, beaconed such area, or to the holder. »

Amendment of section 27 of Chapter 93.

30. Section 27 of the principal Ordinance is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof the words or to both ».

Amendment of sub-section (1) of section 28 of
Chapter 93.

31. Sub-section (1) of section 28 of the principal Ordinance is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof the following:

<< Provided that when permission to mine on the area is granted under section 19 pending the grant of the mining lease, such term shall commence from the date of the grant of such permission. »

Amendment of sub-section (1) of section 32 of
Chapter 93.

32. Sub-section (1) of section 32 of the principal Ordinance is hereby amended :

(a) by deleting the first four lines thereof and substituting therefor the following:

<< (1) In so far as it may be necessary to the lessee or to the applicant for a lease to whom permission to mine has been granted under section 19 for or in connexion with his mining operations and subject to the provisions of this Ordinance and to the regulations, the lessee or such applicant shall have on the lands included in his mining lease or in the area on which permission to mine has been granted (as the case may be) the following rights :>>>

(b) by inserting the word « and » between the words construct » and « maintain » in para

graph (b) thereof; and

(c) by deleting paragraph (e) thereof and substituting therefor the following:

« (e) To lay water pipes and to make watercourses and ponds, dams and reservoirs, and to divert any water on or flowing entirely through

the area covered by the land included in the mining lease and land contiguous thereto held by him on another mining lease or other mining leases or applied for by him on another mining lease or other mining leases and in respect of which he has been granted permission to mine under section 19; provided that any water so diverted shall be returned to its natural channel before leaving such area. »

Amendment of sub-section (5) of section 32 of
Chapter 93.

33. Sub-section (5) of section 32 of the principal Ordinance is hereby amended by deleting therefrom the word « half-yearly » and substituting therefor the words « annually in ad

vance. >>

New section substituted for section 42 of Chap

ter 93.

34. Section 42 of the principal Ordinance is hereby repealed and the following section substituted therefor:

« Water rights ».

<< 42. (1) If it shall appear necessary for the proper working of the arca of any mining lease or of the area covered by more than one mining lease held by the same lessee or applied for by him on another mining lease or other mining leases and in respect of which he has been granted permission to mine under section 19, the Governor may, on such terms as he may think proper, grant to the holder of such lease or leases the right (which shall be known as a water right) to obtain from any river, stream or water-course, to convey to the area of such lease or leases or to the area covered by a right of occupancy held by the lessee, and thereon to use such volume of water as may be required for the purpose of his mining operations, and for such purpose to occupy, subject in the Northern Provinces to the provisions of the

31. Il convient d'ajouter au paragraphe 1 de l'article 28 de l'ordonnance principale in fine ce qui suit :

« L'autorisation de se livrer à des opérations minières sur la superficie concédée en vertu de l'article 19 en attendant le bail minier, commencera à courir à partir de la date de cette autorisation. » 34. Le texte de l'article 42 de l'ordonnance principale est remplacé par le texte suivant :

« 42. (1) Si cela paraît nécessaire pour l'exploitation de la région minière faisant l'objet d'une concession ou de la superficie couverte par plus d'une concession minière détenue par un même concessionnaire ou qu'il a sollicitée ou pour l'exploitation d'une ou plusieurs autres concessions pour lesquelles il a obtenu une autorisation de se livrer à des opérations minières conformément à l'article 19, le Gouverneur pourra, aux conditions qu'il jugera convenables, accorder au détenteur de la concession ou des concessions, le droit (qui sera reconnu comme un droit d'eau) de recevoir de n'importe quel

Land and Native Rights Ordinance, such land as may be required for a dam, reservoir or pumping station and for the conveyance of such water to the area of such lease or leases or right of occupancy by means of pipes, ducts, flumes, furrows or otherwise; »

« Chapter 85. »

« Provided always that :

« (a) no such water right shall be granted until after the expiration of one month from the date on which notice of the application for it has been published in the Gazette and posted in a conspicuous place at the office of the Chief Inspector of Mines; >

« (b) no such water right shall be granted if it is shown to the satisfaction of the Governor that the exercise thereof will prejudicially affect any existing right in or over the water supply to which it relates, unless the applicant shall pay to the person whose rights will be prejudicially affected such compensation as may be agreed upon between the parties or as may be determined by arbitration; »

<< (c) the provisions of sub-sections (2) to (6) of section 32 and the provisions of section 34 shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to every water right granted under this section. »

« Provisional permission to use water. »

<< (2) Pending the grant of a water right for which application has been made the Governor may grant to the applicant on such terms as he

thinks fit provisional permission to exercise and
enjoy the powers and rights for which such
application has been made, provided always
that no such provisional permission shall be
granted until after the expiration of one montn
from the date on which notice of the applicatioh
has been published and posted as prescribed.
« Provisional water rights. »

« (3) When a person has made application for a mining lease in respect of any area and it appears that, in the event of such mining lease being granted, the grant of a water right under this section will be necessary for the proper working of the area, the Governor may, on such terms as he may think proper, grant to the applicant a provisional water right under this section. >>

<< Such provisional water right:

« (a) shall not become operative unless and until a mining lease over the said area shall be granted to the applicant, provided that, if the applicant has been granted permission under section 19 to mine on the area prior to the grant of the lease, the Governor may, subject to such terms as he thinks fit, permit such provisional water right to become operative at any time after the expiration of one month from the date on which notice of the application for it has been published and posted as prescribed; and > << (b) shall become null and void unless such mining lease be granted to the applicant; and » « (c) shall be subject to the provisoes set out

cours d'eau, le courant ou l'eau nécessaires à ses opérations minières et de l'amener sur le terrain faisant l'objet de sa ou de ses concessions. Il obtiendra aussi, en se soumettant, dans la province du Nord, aux dispositions de l'ordonnanec sur les terres et les droits des indigènes, le terrain nécessaire pour la création d'une digue, d'un réservoir ou d'une station de pompage et d'amener l'eau par des aqueducs, fossés, tuyaux, etc., à pied d'œuvre. »

« Il faudra en tout cas :

« (a) Qu'un tel droit d'eau ne soit accordé qu'un mois après la publication, la notification de la demande au Journal Officiel et son affichage en bonne place dans le bureau de l'Inspecteur en Chef des mines; »

« (b) Le droit d'eau ne sera pas accordé s'il est démontré au Gouverneur que son exercice serait préjudiciable à des droits existants et portant sur l'approvisionnement en eau dont il s'agit, à moins que le requérant ne paie aux ayants-droit une indemnité dont le montant sera fixé de commun accord ou par un arbitrage; »

« (c) Les dispositions des paragraphes (2) à (6) de l'article 32 et de l'article 34 s'appliqueront mutatis mutandis à tout droit d'eau accordé en vertu du présent article. »

« (2) En attendant qu'un droit d'eau sollicité soit accordé, le Gouverneur peut conditionnellement permettre qu'il soit usé de ce droit, pourvu toutefois que cette autorisation ne soit mise en pratique qu'un mois après la publication et l'affichage requis de la demande. »

(3) Lorsqu'une concession minière a été demandée pour une région déterminée et qu'il semble si cette concession était accordée, qu'il serait nécessaire pour son exploitation d'accorder un droit d'eau, le Gouverneur pourra provisoirement l'accorder conformément aux dispositions du présent article. », « Pareil droit d'eau provisoire:

in subsection (1), save that the payment of compensation required by proviso (b) shall not be required to be made prior to the granting of the provisional water right; and >>

« (d) shall become operative and have the same force and effect as a water right granted under subsection (1) upon the applicant paying the compensation set out in proviso (b) to subsection (1) and receiving a grant of a mining lease over the said area. »

New sections 42A, 42B, 42C and 42D inserted in Chapter 93.

35. The following sections are hereby inserted in the principal Ordinance immediately after section 42:

Applications for water rights. »

« 42A. Every application for a water right shall be in the prescribed form. »

« Penalty for false information by applicant for water right. »

« 42B. Every applicant for a water right wilfully or recklessly giving false information as to any of the matters in respect of which information is or may be required to be given under this Ordinance shall be liable to a fine of fifty pounds or to imprisonment for six months or to both. »

« Transfer of water rights. »

« 42c. The holder of a water right shall not

transfer his right or any portion of his rights granted there-under without the consent of the Governor signified by endorsement thereon. » << The transferee of a water right shall be liable for all rents and obligations which may have accrued at the time of transfer. »

« Surrender of water rights. »

<< 42D. A water right may be surrendered at any time after one month's notice in writing has been given to the Chief Inspector of Mines of the intention to surrender, if the sanction of the Governor be endorsed in writing thereon and on payment of the prescribed fee (if any), but not otherwise, provided that such surrender shall not affect any liability incurred by the holder before such surrender shall have taken effect. »

Amendment of sections 43 and 44 of Chapter 93.

36. Sections 43 and 44 of the principal Ordinance are hereby amended :

(a) by deleting therefrom the word «licence » wherever it occurs in either of the said sections and substituting therefor in every case, save in the fourth line of section 43, the words « water right and substituting therefor in the fourth line of section 43 the words << holder of the water right; » and

(b) by deleting from section 44 the word « licensee » and substituting therefor the words << holder thereof »>.

« (a) Ne sera effectif qu'au cas où la concession minière demandée est accordée au requérant. Si le requérant a obtenu une autorisation de se livrer à des opérations minières avant l'octroi de la concession, le Gouverneur pourra conditionnellement, permettre que ce droit devienne effectif à n'importe quel moment pourvu que le délai d'un mois après la publication et l'affichage requis soit écoulé; et » « (b) Il sera nul et non avenu si la concession minière n'est pas accordée; et »

« (c) Il sera soumis aux dispositions du paragraphe 1, sauf que le payement de l'indemnité dont il est question sub (b) de ce paragraphe ne sera pas requis antérieurement à l'octroi du droit d'eau; et »

« (d) Il pourra être exercé et aura le même effet que le droit d'eau accordé en vertu du paragraphe 1 au requérant payant l'indemnité visée sub (b) du paragraphe 1 et recevant une concession minière ayant pour objet la région envisagée. »

35. Les articles ci-après suivront immédiatement l'article 42 de l'ordonnance principale :

« 42A. Toute demande de droit d'eau sera faite dans la forme prescrite. »

« 42B. Tout requérant d'un droit d'eau qui fournira à son sujet des fausses indications, soit volontairement, soit négligemment, sera passible d'une amende de 50 Livres ou d'un emprisonnement de 6 mois ou des deux peines cumulées. »

« 42c. Le détenteur d'un droit d'eau ne le transférera pas, ni en entier ni en partie, sans le consentement du Gouverneur qui y sera inscrit par endossement. Le transfert d'un droit d'eau sera soumis à tout loyer et obligation qui sera imposé au moment du transfert. »

« 42D. Un droit d'eau pourra être restitué à tout moment, un mois après que l'intention de le restituer aura été notifié à l'Inspecteur en Chef des Mines, si le Gouverneur l'a sanctionné par voie d'endossement sur le droit et après payement de la taxe prescrite (s'il y en a une), mais pas autrement

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