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Página 151 - State having not less than one hundred thousand inhabitants, "in which grain is stored in bulk, and in which the grain of different owners is mixed together, or in which grain is stored in such a manner that the identity of different lots or parcels cannot be accurately preserved.
Página 152 - ... store, and shall state upon its face the quantity and inspected grade of the grain, and that the grain mentioned in it has been received into store, to be stored with grain of the same grade by inspection...
Página 314 - ... (even when occasioned by the negligence, default or error in judgment of the pilot, master, mariners or other servants of the shipowner, not resulting, however, in any case, from want of due diligence by the owners of the ship or any of them, or by the Ship's Husband or Manager).
Página 66 - ... as may be voluntarily submitted to said Committee for arbitration ; and such members and persons may, by an instrument in writing, signed by them and attested by a subscribing witness, agree to submit to the decision of such Committee any such controversy which might be the subject of an action at law, or in equity, except claims of title to real estate or to any interest therein, and that a judgment of the Supreme Court shall be rendered upon the award made pursuant to such submission.
Página 161 - This contract is made in view of, and in all respects subject to, the By-Laws and Rules established by the New York Produce Exchange in...
Página 73 - ... and subscribe the following oath or affirmation: "I, AB, do solemnly...
Página 314 - The carrier shall not be liable for loss or damage occasioned by...
Página 118 - Side cuts, shall be properly packed in each barrel, with not less than twenty (20) pounds of coarse salt, and barrel filled with brine of full strength ; or, twenty (20) pounds of coarse salt ; and in addition thereto, fifteen (15) pounds of salt, and barrel filled with water. There shall also be put into each barrel twelve (12) ounces of saltpetre.
Página 157 - Exchange a statement of the amount of each kind and grade of Grain in store in his warehouse at the close of business on the previous Saturday, and shall also send a copy of the same to the Registrar of the New York Produce Exchange.
Página 315 - Cash for vessel's ordinary disbursements at port of loading to be advanced by Charterers if required at highest current rate of exchange, subject to two per cent to cover insurance and other expenses.

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