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Página 169 - be such tribunal. Article 38 The Court shall apply: 1. International conventions, whether general or particular, establishing rules expressly recognized by the contesting States; 2. International custom, as evidence of a genral practice accepted as law; 3. The general principles of law recognized by
Página 160 - appoint every three years a special chamber of five judges, selected so far as possible with due regard to the provisions of Article p. In addition, two judges shall be selected for the purpose of replacing a judge •who finds it impossible to sit. If the Parties so demand, cases
Página 176 - Article [51] 52 After the Court has received the proofs and evidence within the time specified for the purpose, it may refuse to accept any further oral or written evidence that one Party may desire to present unless the other side consents. Article [52] 55
Página 178 - does not represent, in whole or in part, the unanimous opinion of the judges, dissenting judges are entitled to [have the fact of their dissent or reservations mentioned in it. But the reasons
Página 177 - restent secrètes. Article [54] 55 Les décisions de la Cour sont prises à la majorité des juges présents. En cas de partage de voix, la voix du Président ou de celui qui le remplace est prépondérante. Article [55] 56 L'arrêt est motivé. Il mentionne les noms des juges qui y ont pris part. Article [56]
Página 119 - provided that— Disputes as to the interpretation of a treaty, as to any question of international law, as to the existence of any fact which if established would constitute a breach of any international obligation, or as to the extent and nature of the reparation to be made for any such breach are declared to be among those which are generally suitable for submission to arbitration.
Página 7 - 4. That the principal office of the corporation shall be located in the District of Columbia, but offices may be maintained and meetings of the Trustees and committees thereof may be held elsewhere, as provided by the by-laws of the corporation.
Página 168 - ou Etais, ou pour un délai déterminé. En cas de contestation sur le point de savoir si la Cour est compétente, la Cour décide. [Article 35 [Dans les limites de sa compétence, telle qu'elle est déterminée (par l'article 34) cidessus * la Cour applique en ordre successif : [1. Les conventions internationales soit générales, soit spéciales, établissant des règles expresslyrecognized by the contesting States
Página 163 - to be determined by the Assembly of the League of Nations upon the proposal of the Council. This [salary] indemnity* must not be decreased during the period of a judge's appointment. The President shall receive a special grant for his period of office, to be fixed in the same way. The Vice-President, judges and
Página 163 - deputy-judges, shall receive a grant for the actual performance of their duties, to be fixed in the same way. Traveling expenses incurred in the performance of their duties shall be refunded to judges and deputy-judges who do not reside at the seat of the Court. Grants due to judges selected or chosen as provided in Article [28]